How courageous are you to trust God

How “ Courageous” are you to trust God? (with your finances?)

On a very important, yet very sensitive aspect/principle of our Christian faith, a commandment that we should GIVE.

Please do not switch off now, or plug in your ears for what you are about to hear will change your life forever, if you apply it -> be a doer of the WORD. Not just information, but also application.

I’m not preaching this sermon to get money out of you, but that you give unto the Lord and the Lord will give it back unto you. AMEN

pressed down, shaken together, running over !!

The same manner and portion with which you give, will be given back to you, church. It’s a win-win situation.

READ Gen 28:22 ( Jacob’s Vow )

READ Ex 23:19

READ Malachi 3:10

Give God what is right, not what is left. ( left-overs )

READ: Deut 28: 1-2. God will bless obedience and faithfulness

Your Faithfulness and Obedience will get  “ God’s attention “ and open the doors to God’s promises.

READ: Job 36:11 “ IF we obey …. “ but not only obedience, but diligently and consistently in our giving to God.

READ: Malachi 3: 8-9 says : “ You’re robbing me” and also being disobedient to my Word!

READ: Deut 28:15

Church, if we do not obey and adhere to, stick to, take note and practise/ take ear to God’s word, we cannot expect God to bless us. True?


I would also like you to know that giving of out tithes and offerings are acts of worshipping God. We worship Him, not for what we can get from Him, but for what He has blessed us with. ( Count your blessings, name them one by one .. )


When I give to God, in obedience with His word, my gift will act as an indicator of my love and devotion to God. Amen.

Our giving to God will determine where our treasure is… for where your heart is, there your treasure will also be. Do you have your mind set on earthly things or are you Kingdom-minded? CLYDE

Our giving to God will also indicate whether we are faithful stewards with what God has entrusted us with. ( Faithful with little, faithful with much )

You see church, if God and NOT money ( Mamman ) is really first in your life, then you will be like a person described in  2 Cor 9: 7 : A cheerful giver, not giving under compulsion or reluctantly

READ:  Prob 21:26 “ The Righteous gives without sparing ( without measure or holding back )

We are also reminded in Romans 12:8 to give generously. Wees vrygewig

For it is more blessed to give, than to receive.

Isn’t it a good feeling to be able to give, or bless others? The less fortunate, widows and orphans. Dont know about you but it feels good to give, but you still cannot out-give God.

There are many reasons why people, even born-again believers, do not tithe.


Many will argue that it is part of the old dispensation of the law and that we’re not under the law anymore, but under the new covenant or dispensation of grace!

They also argue that you should determine in your own heart how much you give unto God, or whether you want to give at all. Imagine God doing that to you – Knit one, Skip one in blessing you!

May I say that “ Do not allow the enemy to lie to you anymore, because that is part of his plan to keep you impoverished, which is contrary to God’s promises for your well being! There are any scriptures to prove it! )

Many people are uninstructed and can honesty plead innocence ( Nobody told me )They are genuinely not aware of this Biblical teaching!!

Many people still do not tithe because of little faith. We are prepared to trust God with our lives, our families and their salvation but not with our moolas !

** Ja maar jy ken nie my situasie nie **  You’re right, but GOD does! He is, was and always will be Jehovah Jireh, God our provider. Amen.

We as humans, mankind, have a natural tendency to procrastinate ( uit te stel ) and this has caused man to delay their intentions to tithe. (  Ek sal dit volgende maand doen, sodra my finansies weer ok is. Sodra ek eers n paar rekeninge klaar betaal het )


Can I assure you this evening that when we are disobedient to God’s Word, His smile of approval disappears and His many blessings are withheld from us!

What would you say then is the solution to have this curse ( Mal 3:8 ) removed from us?

READ: Psalm 24:1. The earth is the Lord’s. He is the owner of everything ( the owner of the cattle on a 100 hills ) WALLY

 God trusts you with finances and to make wise and Godly decisions. To honour him with what he has given you, through tithes and offerings.

When you offer your tithes to God consistently and as act of worship, ask Him for knowledge and guidance to spend your money wisely.


Please listen up, church!

The aspect of motive is very important when you tithe.


Whenever we give to God  ( and others – a love offering ) our motives should be pure and our intentions genuine! There should be no hidden agenda, because the true motive behind any gift determines the real value of that gift, Amen?

READ: Mark 12: 41-44

Briefly, the reasons why many people tithe:

Many people are faithful tithers because of a desire to acknowledge God’s ownership of all things. Psalm 24:1 ; Our tithes are Holy to God ; READ: Lev 27:30
Many people will tithe because they desire the blessings promised to the tither in Matthew 3:10

But this is a selfish, non-glorifying God motive that will not be to your advantage at all. EINA !

I want to assure you that thousands will and can bear testimony to the fact that God blesses the tither or giver in ALL aspects of their lives, even materially.

These people have found that it is much easier to meet their financial obligations with 9/10’s of their finances AND God’s blessings.

You can do more with R10 and his blessings, than with R100 and without His Blessings!

Listen Church, the practise of tithing will not impoverish you. Dit sal jou nie armer maak nie! But it is for your benefit and for your good!

You see, many people say that they cannot afford to tithe but you cannot afford NOT to tithe.


A non-tither will always say:

“ I’m close to the end of my money, and there is still so much month left “

A faithful tither / giver will say:

“ I’m close to the end of the month and there’s still so much money left “


Why is that church? I’;; tell you why … when you invest into God’s kingdom, your returns are guaranteed for God’s kingdom and will never go bankrupt!

Our capacity to receive is determined in a large degree, by our willingness to give.

How willing are you to give to God and others of your finances, time, talents and yourself? For your willingness to give will determine your obedience to God

The practice of tithing permits God to prove His divine trustworthiness, for God will always honour his promises – Deut 16: 15 ; Deut 28: 12


In nearly every church, you will find a group of people who have committed themselves to the practise of tithing, year in and year out. The evidence of consistent giving can clearly be seen by the blessings of God on their lives ( not only material things ) You can sense it ..

God is blessing them in order to continue in a lifestyle of giving, a lifestyle of generosity.

Tonight I want to challenge you church and visitors, to ask God to increase your faith in such a way that you will be courageous enough to trust Him, even with your finances!

Let Matthew 3:11-13 become a reality in your life. People will call you blessed and you will prosper in all that you do.