Who wants the full blessing, anointing, power, favour and gifts of God on their lives every day?
Plant a seed and reap the harvest you want. #1
By Pastor George Lehman
“Anyone can count the seeds in an apple,
but only God can count the number of apples in a seed.”
Our potential is limitless
The fruit we are bearing in our life right now has everything to do with what we have been planting in our life.
We all want to hear the words from Father God one day, “Welcome my good and faithful servant”.
Your potential to bear lasting effective abundant fruit is limitless.
People say, “Everything happens for a reason”. Have you ever thought about the reason?
It’s found in another saying: “You reap what you sow.”
No seed, no harvest! Bad seed, bad harvest! Far too many are not reaping the Godly life they want.
After the flood, Noah got off the ark. Just imagine what he saw. Destruction and ruin lay before him.
It must have felt hopeless to him, until he heard these words from God…
Genesis 8:22 (Amp) – As long as the earth remains, seed time and harvest shall not cease.
NB!!! This principle stands firm from the day God said it
Imagine if we only had 1 avocado seed left in the world all other Avo’s had died. If we planted it, we could supply the whole world with avocados again in a matter of time.
That’s the power of sowing – seed time and harvest time.
In other words, whatever is messed up or ruined in your life can be overcome and rebuilt when you put this amazing principle to work.
Fears of failure, living with a negative attitude, or defeat will become a thing of the past when you learn the secret of planting good Godly seed.
Consider this – everything in life begins with a seed. Babies are conceived from seed. Fruit/vegetables come from seed. As do flowers and all that God has given us.
Even our imaginations are seeds. Everything tangible in our modern world, TV’s, telephones to spaceships was created from the seed of thought. Even works of art and inventions.
The truth is: Every thought, every word, every decision we make is a seed that shapes the outcome of our lives.
What we put out is what we get back. “Every action has a reaction”.
The bible talks about sowing seeds
If you want to live a victorious, fruitful, God glorifying life and experience the power to change anything… “Simply plant biblical truth seeds in your heart”.
This universal law is totally predictable and works both positively and negatively.
We either reap the reward or pay the price for virtually everything we do.
The bible says that our hearts and minds are the soil of our lives. We can grow whatever we plant.
Hosea 10:12 said, “Plant the good seeds of righteousness, and you will harvest a crop of love. Plow up the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek the Lord, that he may come and shower righteousness upon you.”
That’s why we have this serious warning
Proverbs 4:23 (Amp) – Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance [waaksaamheid/watchfulness] and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life (your harvest). Who you really are!!
2 Corinthians 9:6 (NIV) – Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.
What do you really want to reap in your life?
If you want a God glorifying, lush, fruitful life as per
John 15:8 – “My Father is glorified and honored by this, when you bear much fruit, and prove yourselves to be My [true] disciples.
You have to water the seed
– Work in it (remove the weeds).
– Cultivate it (being disciplined).
It’s not going to happen by magic, accident or by chance.
It happens on purpose.
Seeds we sow are powerful things that have the ability to create something out of almost nothing.
Have you seen how a plant or flower can just appear or burst through concrete or tar? It just appears through the harshest of surfaces!
When you are going through a tough challenge, the odds seem to be against you and victory seems unlikely.
Planting the right seeds can breakthrough any ceiling, any limitation or boundary that life has set over us.
You have the power within to change
Galatians 6:7 (Amp) – For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Sometimes people think they’ve inherited a bad seed, that they’re cursed because members of their family always had the ‘same problem’.
Stop asking yourself: Why do bad things keep happening to me? The fact is: “Nothing just happens”.
If you don’t like the harvest you’re reaping, change the seed you’re sowing.
Every bad seed may not always be of your own doing, BUT your response to those adversities and difficulties has everything to do with you!!!
So, whether it’s a thought, word, attitude or action, anything we put our energy into returns to us like a boomerang.
We all respect the law of gravity (We won’t jump off a 20 story building) or electricity (we won’t touch a 100000volt power line), yet we’ll take other kinds of risks like defying the law of sowing and reaping.
We sometimes believe we can make bad choices and ‘get away’ with them.
We think it is okay to tell white lies.
Cut corners at work.
Say one thing and do another.
Ignore our known
Lose our tempers, gossip, live with unforgiveness and bitterness.
It’s not that God won’t forgive us or loves us less.
But HE has set up a system that has established the FACT “That we will reap what we sow”.
So, we can’t blame God for the consequences of our own lives.
The story of the man who bought a run down dilapidated old farm:
Thorns and weeds filled the land. The house was crumbling apart. Over the next year the man toiled and laboured furiously. He rebuilt the house and replanted and cleared the fields.
When he was finished, a neighbour came and said, “My, wonderful how you and God turned this farm around.” To which the farmer replied, “Well, if you had seen the farm 12 months ago, then you know what it looked like when God had it all to Himself!”
God has given us the power and responsibility to:
– manage our own lives,
– take responsibility for our own decisions and
– determine our future by “The seeds we sow”.
Make a quality decision right now to- Plant a seed and reap the harvest you want.